
Showing posts from January, 2023

Film editing

What is film editing? Film editing is when someone takes raw video footage and edits it to make it more visually pleasing. Film editing is one of the important parts of making a video, without it no one would watch the film. Film editing is also what allows us to have well edited T.V shows and movies. 

Media video progress week 2

I spent this week planning and recording my media studies video.  I created a shot list of all the scenes and shots I wanted to film this week. My story is called the Hole, I provided an image of my shot list along with the link to watch my video.    Media Studies Week 2 progress video - YouTube

Why is pre-production important?

  Storyboard or Treatment   1. The Storyboard and Treatment will help with the Pre-Production part of video making because they both will help plan out how you will create your video. The storyboard allows you to visualize your video and plan how it will look like. The Treatment is for you to write the ideas of your video before writing the entire video script.   Here is an example of a storyboard.

Treatment for my media video project

  Treatment   Title: The Hole   Created by: Kaitlyn Carrasco  

How does Media Ownership affect how movies are made?

 Film/ video  1) The argument against media ownership is the fact that no new media companies will get the same ownership as already developed ones. An example of a company that does this is Netflix. Netflix is an already highly developed company with great media influence. This allows them to promote themselves or other name-brand companies with ease. If a smaller company wanted to be promoted in a movie, they would have to pay large amounts of money just to get probably a background scene. The reason for this is that movies only promote the companies that pay the most, which in turn leaves little opportunity for newly developed media companies to strive. This is why many people are against media ownership.  2) “Bigger is always better” but only to a certain extent. In media, it is true that the bigger a movie is the more companies can profit from synergizing with them, but on the other hand, it only works if your company has the most screen time. According to ...

Camera information

 The camera I will be using to create my video is the camera on the iPhone 13. This camera has many features that will make using it beneficial. The iPhone 13s camera contains an ultra-wide camera that will help capture larger images. The camera also has 2 advanced lensed instead of one that helps to capture the details of an image. This camera also incorporated an auto- focus system to capture stunning images from close up with a sharp focus of 2 centimeters. This camera also has the flash button as an option in case you need some more light in your image. The last benefit is its accessibility this camera is portable and easy to use since its always in your pocket and all you need to start a video is press a button. The main drawback to using a phone to record your video clips is that there is no easy was to get the video files to your computer. The last drawback of using this camera is that its images won't be as clear and defined as a professional studio camera.  Here are s...

Intro Horror film

In class we were asked to create a horror movie. It's a story of when a campfire story came to life and started to terrorize the characters.  Here is my video.    Campfire Stories - YouTube