How does Media Ownership affect how movies are made?
Film/ video
1) The argument against media ownership is the fact that no new media companies will get the same ownership as already developed ones. An example of a company that does this is Netflix. Netflix is an already highly developed company with great media influence. This allows them to promote themselves or other name-brand companies with ease. If a smaller company wanted to be promoted in a movie, they would have to pay large amounts of money just to get probably a background scene. The reason for this is that movies only promote the companies that pay the most, which in turn leaves little opportunity for newly developed media companies to strive. This is why many people are against media ownership.
2) “Bigger is always better” but only to a certain extent. In media, it is true that the bigger a movie is the more companies can profit from synergizing with them, but on the other hand, it only works if your company has the most screen time. According to the video, there are many ways movies can show a specific company or product, whether it be in the background, integrated into the dialogue, or in a scene where the main character is directly using the product. The more screen time a product gets in a movie the more it will cost. A company that uses this to their advantage is Netflix. Netflix is a well-known company that creates new movies often, this allows them to make more money with simple promotions. Additionally, if Netflix wanted another movie to promote them, it would be easy due to all the money Netflix has earned over the years.
Here are two pictures of actors promoting Dr Pepper and Coca Cola in their movie.
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